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To join, please print this page and mail to:

Veterans of Foreign Wars
Post 3457
PMB 529 PPP P.O. Box 10000    
Saipan, MP  96950

Please Attach A Copy Of Your DD-214 With This Application

Service Outside
the United
States With
_____  Army
_____  Navy
_____  Air Force
_____  Marines
_____  Coast guard
Location _____  WWII
_____  Korea (1 July 1949 to Present)
_____  Vietnam
_____  Desert Storm
_____  Expeditionary
_____  Occupation
_____  CIB/CMB
_____  Combat Action
_____  Other (specify): ___________________________
Service No.  
Overseas Service From: __________________ To: __________________
Name of
Campaign Medal
(Note: Ribbon or Medal not required for service in Korea)
Date of Birth  
Social Security
Membership _____  Annual - $20.00
_____  Life Membership $ ____________
Method of
_____  Check enclosed (payable to Veterans of Foreign Wars)
_____  Charge my credit card:
_____  MasterCard   _____ VISA   _____ Discover
Card Number: ________________________________
Expiration Date: _____________

I certify that I am a citizen of the United States, that my U. S. Military Service was honorable, that I have never subsequently been discharged under other than honorable conditions, and that I believe in God.  I also certify that (1) I am entitled to a campaign ribbon or medal authorized by the U. S. Government based on my overseas service or; (2) I have served overseas in Korea.  I further give authority to the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States to verify my entitlement to membership.


Signature of


In the presence of Almighty God, I do, of my own free will and accord, solemnly promise and declaire that:

I will bear true allegiance -- to the Constitution of the United States of America -- and I will always be loyal thereto.

I do further solemnly promise and declare -- that I wil comply with the Congressional Charter, By-Laws and Ritual of this order -- and I will always be loyal thereto -- that I will never wrong or defraud this organization -- nor a member thereof -- nor permit any wrong to be done to either -- if in my power to prevent it.

I will never propose for membership -- any person not eligible -- according to our Congressional Charter -- nor one whom I know to be unworthy.

I will never make know to anyone -- not authorized to receive it -- any of the work of this order.

Should my affiliation with the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States cease in any way -- I will consider this pledge as biding outside of the order as though I had remained a member of same.

All this I promise and pledge -- upon the honor of a true comrade -- and a citizen of our great Republic.

Signature of



Through 30
31 - 40
41 - 50
51 - 60
61 - 70
71 - 80
81 and Over



The applicable fee from the life membership fee schedule set forth herein will be determined using the applicant's attained age as of December 31st of the current calendar year in which the application is submitted regardless of actual date of birth.

The annual dues of each member includes a year's subscription to The VFW Magazine, the official publication of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States.  Each applicant, upon acceptance, will be so notified and furnished with an official dues receipt showing membership for the year for which dues or Life Membership fees have been paid.